Accept Motor Club Offers directly in Dispatch Anywhere. Allows TowMagic customers to view and accept their digital offers in both the desktop and mobile versions of Dispatch Anywhere. You're no longer required to use both applications!
Security Setting for Accepting Offers for customers where only some users are permitted to view and accept offers. Apply in Settings > Security.
Automatically Add Services to Motor Club jobs after they have been approved or imported on desktop and mobile. Easily identify services added automatically with a green icon next to the service name prior to saving.
Automatically Add Default Services when creating a job in the mobile version of Dispatch Anywhere.
Send Allstate Clear Codes for jobs that are finished through Dispatch Anywhere. Clear codes can now be selected by Dispatch or even Drivers in the field.
Send AAA battery test codes and mileage on job finish / clear.
Restore previous window location and size when opening Dispatch Anywhere and the detached map view. Also supports multi-monitor configurations.
Chat icon on jobs list and grids when there is a pending / unread message for the job.
Code column to Vehicle Type dictionary in Settings (used to display vehicle type on map).
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