In this section we will manage settings for the Dispatch Anywhere DA Driver app.
Begin by selecting D.A. For Driver from the menu
Company Settings
Enable QR Scan Assignment - This option will allow the driver to assign themselves to a vehicle by scanning a vehicle specific QR Code
How Do I Print Vehicle QR Codes?
Enable Driver Checklist - After scanning the vehicle QR code, the driver will be prompted with a checklist of items they need to check before starting their shift.
How Do I Create a Driver Checklist?
Division Settings
Access the settings page at login with your company administrative credentials.
Each division will have its own set of pricing option available to drivers. In this section we can allow drivers to take payments, edit services of the call, view pricing, edit pricing, and prompt for keys when they arrive at their location. The last two options allow us to control how long a driver has to edit a job after its finished and how long they can view a history of jobs they completed.
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