This process will outline how to create a shortcut that will allow Dispatch Anywhere 2.0 to be ran as a standard user. This shortcut will bypass the password requirement to run the program as an Administrator.
Step 1: Enable the built-in Administrator account
If you have not already, enable the built-in "Administrator" account, and create a password for it. NOTE: You must use the actual built-in Administrator account.
How to enable built-in Administrator account
Step 2: Log in to the admin account
Log in to the built-in Administrator account, right click on an empty space on the desktop, and click on New and Shortcut.
Step 3: Type in the location below into the location area, and click on the Next button.
runas /user:ComputerName\Administrator /savecred "Full path to program's exe file"
- You would substitute ComputerName in the command below with the actual computer name.
- If the Administrator account has been renamed, then you would also need to substitute Administrator in the command below with the new name.
- You would substitute Full path to program's exe file in the command below with the actual full path of the elevated program's exe file within quotes that you want to have the standard user be able to run.
runas /user:Beacon-PC\Administrator /savecred "C:\Program Files(x86)\BeaconSoftware\DA\dispatchanywhere.exe"
Step 4: Name the shortcut
Step 5: Change icon (optional)
Right click on the new shortcut, click on Properties, Shortcut tab, and on the Change Icon button.
Click on OK.
Click on the Browse button, navigate to the location of the program's exe file, click on Open, select the program's icon, and click on OK.
Click on OK.
Step 6: Copy the shortcut as needed
Make copies of the shortcut to the desktop of any user account(s) (ex: standard user) that you would like to be able to run this elevated program without getting a UAC prompt or having to provide the administrator's password for it.
Step 7: Setup the user account
Log on to any user account that you made a copy of this shortcut to, and run the shortcut.
Step 8: Run the program for the first time
In the command prompt that opened, type in your built-in Administrator account's password and press Enter. You will not see the password while you are typing it in.
NOTE: You will only have to enter the Administrator's password for only the first time that this shortcut is ran in a user's account. Afterwards, it will be remembered and entered automatically for the user when they run it without anyone being able to see the password.
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