Drivers that need to add calls in the field need to have the correct security settings before this option is available. You may also need to configure your accounts/lots to make the process more automated for the driver.
Step 1. Make sure D.A. for Drivers settings are correct.
A. Click DA for Drivers in the menu and make sure there is a check in the box next to "Allow drivers to create jobs." If the driver needs to edit services in the field you need to configure the edit services features too.
B. Click "Save" at the top
Step 2. Setup your accounts with correct address, pricing and account defaults.
A. Click Accounts in the menu and either add a new account or click an existing account.
B. On the General Tab make sure the location address is filled out. Once you save the account, you will be prompted with an location selection box. Select the correct address from the options to correctly geolocate the address that was entered.
C. Click the Pricing Tab and setup default services. These services will automatically add when the driver creates a call. If you gave the driver the ability to add services, they can modify the default ones on their app.
D. Click the Job Edit Screen tab. Fill out as many default fields as possible. This will save time for the driver when they create the call in the field.
DA Driver Add Call Feature Video
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